More Church Volunteers are Joining Our Ministries in Egypt.

More Church Volunteers have joined Coptic Cross Ministries in Egypt since we started our mission there. Our volunteers are the backbone of Coptic Cross Ministries. They provide a tremendous amount of help in managing all aspects of our five programs. Our largest ministry is the monthly food assistance program. For this program, our volunteers meet on a monthly basis to receive a large quantity of food supplies from our vendors. Once our vendors deliver the food supplies to the Coptic churches participating in our programs, our wonderful church volunteers fill up the food boxes for each family according to the number of people in the household. They then deliver the boxes to each home and have the head of household sign an Acknowledgement of Food Receipt Form. The monthly food assistance program takes a huge effort and time from our church volunteers. Our volunteers also make great efforts in delivering on the services of our four other programs as well. We thank God for them and thank them for their great love and care for God’s children