Our News

Monthly Food Assistance for the Poor Coptic Families in Upper Egypt

Coptic Cross Ministries increased the number of the qualified Coptic families who receive monthly food assistance from 70 families to 207 families.

The 2024 Gala

By God’s grace, we celebrated our 2024 Gala at Washington Dulles Marriott Hotel on Sunday, January 21st, 2024. We are thrilled that 219 people attended the Gala.

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Purchasing Thousands of Food Boxes for the Food Ministry

Recently, we’ve purchased thousands of quality food boxes for the monthly food assistance program. The food boxes are heavy duty with the logo of Coptic Cross Ministries printed on it. With the increase in the numbers of qualified Coptic families being enrolled in the monthly food assistance program, we will

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Commercial Freezers for the Monthly Food Ministry

Recently, we’ve purchased two additional commercial freezers for the large quantities of meat, chicken, and fish we purchase for the monthly food assistance program in Upper Egypt. The reason we needed additional freezers is that the number of qualified Coptic families who receive monthly food assistance has increased. It takes

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Visiting a Rehabilitation Center in Upper Egypt

Coptic Cross Ministries was invited to visit a rehabilitation center operated by the Coptic Church in Upper Egypt. What is great about this center is that it serves individuals with developmental disabilities regardless of their age or religion. Currently, they have over 300 participants who receive services on a daily

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Spiritual and Social Events for Our Volunteers

Once a year, volunteers gather for a spiritual day in one of the Coptic Churches or Monasteries . It is a great opportunity for volunteers to meet each other and make new friends. This year, we started the day with praying the Divine Liturgy. Following the Divine Liturgy, we had 

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School Supplies for Children attending School

Knowing that in Egypt most of the children begin studying for the new school year in summer, we made sure we distribute the school supplies before the school year began. This was done to help equip each child with school supplies, which they need for the new school year. We

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Coptic Children in Upper Egypt

We recently held a spiritual day for children  in one of the Coptic Churches in upper Egypt. Thank God, with your support, we were able to distribute four types of age-appropriate Bibles to meet the specific needs for each child’s age group. We ensured that the children and the different

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More Church Volunteers are Joining Our Ministries in Egypt.

More Church Volunteers have joined Coptic Cross Ministries in Egypt since we started our mission there. Our volunteers are the backbone of Coptic Cross Ministries. They provide a tremendous amount of help in managing all aspects of our five programs. Our largest ministry is the monthly food assistance program. For

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Meeting with the Coptic Church Leaders in Upper Egypt

During a field visit in Egypt, we met with some of the Coptic Church bishops, priests, and ministers in upper Egypt to start serving the poor Coptic communities in the region. The church leaders provided us with the information of the qualified needy Coptic families in their cities and villages.

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